When we get exposed to koi fish for the first time, most of us are clueless about what the different Koi colors mean. A lot of people buy small koi as aquarium fish and most will not know what kind of Koi they have bought.
These fish are a unique and in the koi keeper community, each color means something different. So unique that they have become one of the most popular aquarium and pond ornamental fish in the world. So unique that their image has been used on everything from handbags to shoes and are especially popular as tattoos.
A picture is worth a thousand words, so it’s handy to have a picture like the following chart to help us out.

More people are becoming koi owners every day and most of us want to show off our fish and some people event document their growth. What better way to do it than by publishing pictures on the internet. This is especially true if you want to sell your fish or want to share your success.
Learning what the fish is called is the first step toward having a great Koi fish pond. Fortunately for all of us, the information is available in a great e-book called “The Beginner’s Guide to Raising Healthy Koi“.
This one of a kind e-book has been exhaustively researched, edited and published to give you the best information available about koi fish colors and how to keep your koi looking vibrant and healthy. “CLICK HERE” to get your own copy of this unique book.